Watch Singham (2011): Picture this...a bunch of cops openly kick the shit out of a high-profile politician (perhaps the film takes the term 'kick-ass' entertainment a little too literally). The honest police protagonist gives an extensive emotional speech on how the entire police force has gone corrupt, which instantly awakens the conscience of cops from across the state including the DGP, all of whom come to Singham's immediate rescue. A head constable on the brink of retirement mouths a monologue on how a police officer is supposed to be saviour of the society yet remains underpaid than janitor.

Watch Singham (2011)
Watch Singham (2011) from any of the links below:
Watch from Mirror - 1
Watch from Mirror - 2
Watch from Mirror - 3
Watch from Mirror - 4
Watch from Mirror - 5
Posted By: Doc CN
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